2045 Asher Court
Suite 200
East Lansing, Michigan 48823
Phone 517-324-7020
Fax 517-324-7021
Welcome to the Allergy & Asthma Clinic of East Lansing
Thank you for choosing the Allergy & Asthma Clinic of East Lansing.
Your inital visit can take 1 1/2- 2 hours. This allots for sufficient time to discuss your symptoms with the provider, perform diagnostic testing, and identify the plan of care that best meets your needs. Most patients can expect to have skin testing performed at the initial visit. For this reason, we ask that you AVOID ALL ANTIHISTAMINE MEDICATIONS (Prescription and over-the-counter) prior to testing.
Also, please refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, or other strong scents on the day of your appointment, as several of our patients are very sensitive to odors.
To ensure that you are prepared for your upcoming appointment, please prepare by gathering the following items to take with you to your appointment:
Notes from other healthcare providers pertaining to your visit.
Lab results, x-rays, CT scans, or other diagnostic records pertaining to your visit.
Previous allergy skin testing and/or allergy injection records.
Registration form and questionnaire that accompany this letter.
Any diary or symptom tracker that pertains to your symptoms.
A COMPLETE list of medications and supplements, with dosage and frequency noted.
Peak flow records if available.
Previous Pulmonary Function Test results if available.
If necessary, the approved authorization from your insurance carrier.
AACEL recommends contacting your insurance company prior to your appointment to ensure allergy services are a covered benefit under your plan, and to make sure any necessary authorizations are obtained. AACEL will be glad to answer questions regarding insurance coverage, however it is ultimately your responsibility to verify this information with your insurance carrier.
If you have any questions, please contact our office. We are honored to take part in helping you to maintain your health. Again, thank you.